Call us to discuss your personal injury case at 415-398-5000

Have you or a loved one been injured in an accident due to no fault of your own? Has your family suffered from a wrongful death? We are here to help. Our law firm, the Law Offices of Brian Larsen, has achieved million-dollar personal injury settlements and verdicts in cases of personal injuries and wrongful death in California.

Below are some of the types of personal injury cases we represent in California.

- Car/Auto Accidents
- Wrongful Death Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Bike Accidents
- Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents
- Bus Accidents
- Dog Bite Accidents
- Boat/Train Accidents
car crash with caption Car/Auto Accidents

Car/Auto Accidents

The leading causes of car crashes are speed, distracted driving, and intoxication. These types of accidents can be devastating and have lasting repercussions on victims and their families. The injuries can be severe and permanent and sadly fatalities are not uncommon. It is important to speak with a personal injury attorney who is well versed in California personal injury laws and experienced in successfully wining car accident cases.

woman hand on casket holding flowers with caption Wrongful Death Accidents

Wrongful Death Accidents

When your loved one dies because of the actions or negligence of another person or a company, it is incredibly devastating and difficult to comprehend. You may feel paralyzed by grief and enable to decide what you should be doing next. Seeking justice for your loved one and compensation for your family is your right. We can help through the legal process with compassion and understanding.

road crossing with caption Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents

Unfortunately, the number of pedestrian accidents has risen over the past few years. A person has little chance to not suffer serious injuries when being hit by a moving vehicle. Regardless if this is a car, bus, truck, motorcycle, or bike, it can be devastating. There are enormous medical bills, recovery and rehabilitation, physical and emotional suffering, loss of work time, possible lifelong consequences, and so much more.

motorcyclist on the road with caption Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents often cause serious injuries, long recovery time, extensive rehabilitation, lifelong issues, emotional anguish, and very high medical bills among other problems. One important element to consider is that the victim may lose future earning potential and have a reduced quality of life. This is why obtaining maximum financial compensation for the injuries received is of the upmost importance.

bike crash with helmet on ground with caption Bike Accidents

Bike Accidents

Bicycling around town, while on vacation, or to commute to work can be great exercise and a lot of fun. It can also be very dangerous. Drivers who are not paying attention sometimes unintentionally swerve into a bicyclist. This is a collision that often results in terrible trauma and even death.

ground under construction with caution floor sign with caption Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents

Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents

When walking into a building, you expect its owner to have taken all necessary precautions to ensure a safe walking environment. After all it is the law. Should you be injured during a slip and fall accident, you should seek legal counsel. There are bills that can appear much later such as delayed medical care.

inside commuter bus to illustrate a personal injury case we handle

Bus Accidents

Being such large vehicles, you would think there is safety in riding a bus, a tramway, or a trolley. In fact, bus and transit accidents are quite frequent in busy cities like San Francisco. Such crashes can involve the passengers riding the bus, cars, bikes, or bystanders in the street. These types of accidents can be catastrophic.

dog in a muzzle with caption Dog Bite Accidents

Dog Bite Accidents

Dog bites or injuries caused by an animal owned by a person are often due to negligence. There are leash laws and safety precautions a pet owner must take to protect others. In other words, the owner of the animal could be responsible and liable to pay for damages. Such incidents can cause painful injuries, scarring, and sometimes require multiple cosmetic operations. It is also very traumatic for the victim that has been bitten.

traing speeding with caption Boat/Train Accident

Boat/Train Accidents & Other Types

Boating can be recreational or use for transportation like a ferry or cruiseship. The operators must follow all safety rules to prevent accidents but this does not always happen. There is inattention, inexperience, speed, defective equipment, or impairments that can cause an accident. Boat operators, train conductors, and drivers of all types of transportation are responsible for those on board and bystanders.