Call us to discuss your personal injury case at 415-398-5000

When it comes to personal injuries, our clients have a lot of questions, legal and otherwise. The best way for us to assist you is to call our San Francisco office at 415-398-5000. Rest assured that our consultation is complimentary and confidential. Below are the top five questions we are asked frequently.

What should you do if you or your loved one have been in an accident?

First and foremost, get the medical care you need right away. Do not wait! Go to the hospital or see a doctor. You must take care of your injuries first.

If you are seriously injured, have a loved one call us and help you with the following points. Any evidence related to your accident should be preserved as best and as soon as possible. If some of these items are subject to change or are perishable, take lots of photos and videos. It is also important to locate any witnesses to your accident. If it was an auto accident, the police was most likely involved and the officer completed an accident report. We can help you with all of these tasks including obtaining the report from the police station. Finally, write down every detail you remember from the accident: Where, when, who, why, what, how, etc.

Do I have to pay upfront fees for my legal representation?

We charge zero attorney fees unless we recover for you. No Recovery = No Fee. What does this mean? It means you will pay no attorney fees out of pocket. We only get paid if we win your case. As you can imagine, we will fight like no others to obtain the financial compensation you deserve so that you can get your life back.

Can you tell me if I have a case?

This is by far the most common question we receive. The first thing to establish is whether the other driver or party is responsible and liable for the accident. This is something we have over 25 years of experience assessing. We know the questions to ask and what details to look for to provide you the answer. We hire experts whenever necessary.

Once we have determined that the other party was at fault, the next step is to figure out if you have sufficient injuries and damages to pursue a case. Here again you can trust our legal team to help you through the entire process.

Do you also deal with the insurance companies?

A big part of handling a personal injury case is to work with the insurance companies of those involved. People and companies have insurance that sometimes cover them if they cause an injury to others. Dealing with insurance companies can be complex and frustrating. This is why you hire us, to deal with them, to understand how to best work with them, and to obtain the best results for your case.

What is the difference between a verdict and a settlement?

A verdict is the result of a case that has been pursued in the court system. It is the judgment rendered by the judge. A settlement is done outside of the court system. It is a binding resolution agreement between you and the party that wrongfully injured you. Since every case is unique, it is not always possible to tell upfront if your case will be settled out of court or not. There are lots of factors to consider and we are here to help you assess your options when the time comes.

Do you have more questions?

Do not hesitate to call us at 1-415-398-5000.

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